Italia Felix - Orchids of the Marche

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Last updated 03/08/2014


This speciest is first mentioned in by Brignoli in 1813, and Paolucci records a pre-1890 find by Scagnetti. Nothing is known about these finds. I came across a few specimens in open oakwood near Fossombrone in the vicinity of a fine population of Serapias vomeracea. Luciano Poggiani confirmed the presence of this species at the Fossombrone site in 1998, but no plants could be found when the site was carefully searched in 2012. The area has been much disturbed by wild boars and very few orchids have survived. Apart from a limited number of plants of A. pyramidalis, only 6 individuals of S. vomeracea could be found.


In 2014 Franco Benigni and Gianni Barigelli found the species in Bagnone (MC) and Scalelle (AP).










-BRIGNOLI, G. (1813), "Elenco delle piante spontanee" in Alcuni Cenni Sulle Produzioni Naturali del Dipartimento del Metauro, Urbino (p.38).

 -CRESCENTINI, R. & J.M.I. KLAVER, Orchidee Spontanee della Provincia Pesaro e Urbino, con osservazioni sulle specie delle Marche, Pesaro, 1997 (p.234).

-KLAVER, J.M.I., "Distribution of the Orchidaceae of the Province Pesaro-Urbino (Central-East Italy)", AHO Baden-Württemberg 23 (4), 1991, pp.557-747 (p.617-618)

-PAOLUCCI, L. (1890-1), Flora Marchigiana, Pesaro (p.113).

-POGGIANI, L., "Serapias cordigera", (updated 20.11.2009)


Fossombrone (PU), 3/6/1990

(photo: J.M.I. Klaver)


Fossombrone (PU), 9/6/1991

(photo: J.M.I. Klaver)


Fossombrone (PU), 7/6/1992

(photo: J.M.I. Klaver)


Scalelle (AP), 3/6/2014

(photo: Franco Benigni)


Bagnone (MC), 2/6/2014

(photo: Franco Benigni)









Moliterno (PT), 26/5/2012

(photo: J.M.I. Klaver)

Moliterno (PT), 26/5/2012

(photo: J.M.I. Klaver)

Moliterno (PT), 26/5/2012

(photo: J.M.I. Klaver)