Italia Felix - Orchids of the Marche

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BARLIA ROBERTIANA  (Loisel.) Greuter

Last updated 18/11/2016

versione italiana

Status: rare

The species has recently been recorded a couple of times in the province Pesaro-Urbino. Two plants were found by Nicole Hofmann on 15 February 2011 in Urbino. They have struggled since to survive in its delicate road-margin habitat. The plants braved the snow in March 2011 and the prolonged snow in February 2012. The beautiful spike drew attention and was picked in 2012 by a passer-by. In 2013 someone made an attempt to pull away the plants complete with bulb. The bigger specimen was damaged but survived. The second plant has not been seen since. In 2014 the surviving plant developed only a very fragile spike with few flowers and a reduced leaves. In 2015 it was slightly more vigorous.

Gubellini and Hofmann also mention a plant which was found and dug out at Colcello (Monteguiduccio, PU). There is no indication of date, but it seems to have been found in 2010.

In 2012 the species was found by Franco Benigni on Monte Nerone. It grew in a roadside habitat, which was damaged when, in 2013, bulldozers cleared an adjacent landslide. Although the plant survived, it has not flowered since.

In 2014 two fine flowering specimens were found near Cerreto on Monte Nerone by Giacomo Mei and Giulia Torta.

The recent series of finds of this species, which had never been found in the Marche before 2010, might point to an interesting  expansion of its distribution in Italy.




Benigni F., Paolinelli F. (2012), "Primo ritrovamento per le Marche di Barlia robertiana (Loisel.) Greuter.", in GIROS Notizie 51, p.113.

Gubellini, L., Hofmann N., Pinzi M. (2014), "Contributo alla conoscenza della flora vascolare delle marche e di alcune regioni limitrofe", in Informatore Botanico Italiano 46(1): 17-26, Regione Marche (p.21).

Klaver, J.M.I. Rossi, D. (2016), Censimento delle orchidee della provincia di Pesaro e Urbino (Marche), in GIROS Orch. Spont. Eur. 59 (2016:1): 175-184



M. Nerone (PU), 1/4/2012

(photo: Franco Benigni)


M. Nerone (PU), 16/4/2012

(photo: J.M.I. Klaver)

M. Nerone (PU), 16/4/2012

(photo: J.M.I. Klaver)


M. Nerone (PU), 16/4/2012

(photo: J.M.I. Klaver)


Cerreto (PU), 14/3/2014

(photo: Giacomo Mei)

Cerreto (PU), 14/3/2014

(photo: Giacomo Mei)

M. Nerone (PU), 16/4/2012

(photo: J.M.I. Klaver)


Urbino (PU), 9/2/2011

(photo: J.M.I. Klaver)


Urbino (PU), 9/2/2011

(photo: J.M.I. Klaver)


Urbino (PU), 9/2/2011

(photo: J.M.I. Klaver)


Urbino (PU), 19/2/2011

(photo: J.M.I. Klaver)

Urbino (PU), 19/2/2011

(photo: J.M.I. Klaver)

Urbino (PU), 6/3/2011

(photo: J.M.I. Klaver)

Urbino (PU), 4/3/2012

(photo: J.M.I. Klaver)

Urbino (PU), 24/3/2012

(photo: J.M.I. Klaver)

Urbino (PU), 2/3/2013

(photo: J.M.I. Klaver)

Urbino (PU), 26/2/2014

(photo: J.M.I. Klaver)

Urbino (PU), 28/2/2015

(photo: J.M.I. Klaver)